Partnering with Fauna & Flora in Protecting Wildlife

A shared vision for conservation: the Nando and Elsa Peretti Foundation partnership with Fauna & Flora
Since 2001, the Nando and Elsa Peretti Foundation (NaEPF) has partnered with Fauna & Flora to support the conservation of our planet’s precious biodiversity and ecosystems, contributing to grassroots environmental initiatives around the world.
Elsa Peretti’s dedication to the protection of the natural world remains central to the Foundation’s mission. Through its collaboration with Fauna & Flora, the Foundation actively works to safeguard endangered species, restore critical habitats, and empower local communities to take on the vital role of environmental stewards.

Conserving one of the rarest primates in the world in Vietnam
The Tonkin snub-nosed monkey, one of the world’s most endangered primates, has been a central focus of our partnership with Fauna & Flora. By the time a globally significant new population of this species was discovered in 2002, only 50-60 individuals remained in the wild. With funding from the NaEPF, Fauna & Flora secured formal protection for the Khau Ca Forest in northern Vietnam, allowing the population to stabilize and grow. Today, the Khau Ca population has tripled to around 150 individuals.
“The Nando and Elsa Peretti Foundation’s vision inspires through its continuous support for the protection of important species in Vietnam, especially endemic species like the Tonkin snub-nosed monkey, and their key ecosystems.”Country Director, Fauna & Flora Vietnam Programme

Protecting migrating raptors in Western Georgia
Elsa Peretti’s lifelong love for birds of prey inspired one of the Foundation’s earliest and most impactful conservation grants – the Georgia raptors project. This initiative is dedicated to protecting raptors, tackling their illegal trade, and community-based conservation efforts. Together with Fauna & Flora, the project in Georgia has made significant strides in tackling raptors conservation at the national level through policy and capacity building, and at the grassroots level through educating local communities, particularly younger generations, as well as through promoting ethical practices for falconers, hunters and farmers.
“I have a great love for birds. In each of my homes, there is always a dish with food for them. I don’t disturb the swallows that nest under the roof, I wait for them every spring. They give me a sense of freedom but also of fragility, because they are always in danger during their travels and are in danger above all because of us.”

Supporting coastal guardians in the Atlántida Seascape, Honduras
For centuries, the coastal communities of Honduras’ Atlántida Seascape have lived in close connection with the sea. The coral reefs, mangroves and estuaries that surround them are more than just landscapes—they are sources of food, livelihoods and cultural identity. But this delicate balance is under threat. Overfishing, habitat destruction and climate change are placing increasing pressure on the Mesoamerican Reef, pushing marine biodiversity to the brink and leaving local communities more vulnerable than ever.
“Impactful philanthropy is built on trust and meaningful collaboration—principles that have defined our partnership with the Nando and Elsa Peretti foundation, fostering a shared vision and lasting impact on both people and the planet.”Chief Executive Officer, Fauna & Flora